home > Disneyland Resort > Pictures > Friday, September 17, 2021 - Page 43 of 160 - << previous page : next page >>
Looking up river.
Looking up river. Click to switch to large image view
I had not noticed.. the front canon that they usually fire was not there this morning.  When that part of the spiel came up a cast member went up there and went through the motions then made a pow sound.  I did not think fast enough to get a video.  It was a fun moment.
I had not noticed.. the front canon that they usually fire was not there this morning. When that part of the spiel came up a cast member went up there and went through the motions then made a pow sound. I did not think fast enough to get a video. It was a fun moment. Click to switch to large image view
Talked to the cast members and they said yesterday they ran out of ammo and were waiting for it to be replenished.
Talked to the cast members and they said yesterday they ran out of ammo and were waiting for it to be replenished. Click to switch to large image view